
Handling Foreign Policy Challenges

During President Barack Obama’s administration, U.S. foreign policy has been a disaster. Longtime allies are re-evaluating their reliance on Washington. Meanwhile, old foes are flexing their muscles.

One of them, Nicaraguan strongman Daniel Ortega, kicked three U.S. officials out of his country in June. His regime said little about why the action was taken.

Ortega’s name is a familiar one to Americans. He attempted to force Soviet-style communism on Nicaragua during the 1980s but was ousted from power, in part due to U.S. efforts.

Now he is back, united with other enemies of the Americans such as the Venezeuelan regime.

Neither Ortega nor U.S. allies in the region expect Obama’s administration to take any serious action against Nicaragua. That will be left up to our next president and secretary of state. It is unfortunate that they will have so many challenges to face — but deal with them, they must.

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