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Making Us All Safer

Personal experience has taught us the overwhelming majority of law enforcement officers, deputies and troopers are fine men and women — precisely the type we need and want to serve and protect us. A few minutes’ conversation with one of them usually makes that clear.

But, as Wheeling Police Chief Shawn Schwertfeger noted, most people “don’t get the opportunity to get to know (law enforcement personnel), who are they, what do they think.”

That was the reason the National Night Out program was established many years ago — to give the public opportunities to meet first responders, including law officers. This year’s edition of the event was held Tuesday evening in Wheeling. Good for all involved who made the event happen.

It is ironic, as any good cop will tell you, that serving and protecting requires help from the public. Events such as “Night Out” increase trust, promote friendship — and make us all safer.


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