Don’t Let Guard Down on COVID
Sad news from the state Department of Health and Human Resources last week reminds us we may have changed our thinking about COVID-19, but it is still with us — and still deadly. There were 15 new COVID-19 deaths in West Virginia last week.
One of those residents hailed from Brooke County. Another four were from nearby Wood County.
Since the start of the pandemic, more than 8,200 Mountain State residents have been lost to this virus.
We cannot afford to let down our guard.
Dr. Matthew Christiansen, West Virginia’s state health officer, says updated vaccines are soon to be available, which will more closely target the most commonly circulating variant of the virus this season.
“We anticipate that the composition of the COVID-19 vaccine may need to be updated annually, as is done with the seasonal influenza vaccine,” Christiansen’s advisory says.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials recommend everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 shot to protect against potentially serious outcomes of the virus such as hospitalization, death or passing it along to someone else more vulnerable.
It’s true, the flu can be deadly. Pneumonia can be deadly. There are vaccines available against those illnesses, too. Many of us have made it a seasonal routine to get our flu shots and other appropriate vaccines. Protecting ourselves and those around us against the worst effects of COVID-19 should not be any different.
And it could save at least one life. Get vaccinated, ladies and gentlemen. No one needs to know. You can wear a long-sleeved shirt and go about your business afterward without ever saying a word, if you’d like.
But imagine how much better you’ll feel going about your business while keeping the secret that you just did something good for yourself, your family and maybe even your community.