
Do You See What I See?

I’ll take it — those one or two more minutes of daylight as the days move on are welcome in my backyard. While I don’t care for the sky to remain dark until after 7:30 a.m., I truly appreciate the lighter afternoons into the evenings.

I believe autumn and winter sunsets are among the most beautiful sights. Today’s sun dipped ever so slightly slower into a melting horizon of blaze orange and navy blue. It was as if painter extraordinaire Bob Ross was at work from his heavenly perch.

There are various places throughout this Ohio Valley where it is worth taking a minute or two to watch days unfold and retreat as well. Sitting at those large windows at Oglebay’s Wilson Lodge is like free entertainment along with the dining menu.

The ski lodge/par 3 area also can find skywatchers pulling to the side of the parking lot to ooh and ahh at the picturesque skyline.

While the sunsets are divine, don’t discount the sight of a full blood moon over the rolling hillside golf course. These are scenes Van Gogh wished he had experienced in person and painted.

I’ve slowed my roll before ascending Wheeling Hill toward downtown on a few occasions.

If you’ve never visited the Mount Wood Overlook in Wheeling’s North Park area, you are denying yourself the breathtaking view of the city, its Suspension Bridge and Ohio River for as far as the eye can see. There is some interesting artwork/graffiti sprayed among the castle ruins there as an added attraction.

Some of Wheeling’s old and new downtown structures have maintained the views from their buildings. I imagine those views are a genuine appeal of living in the city.

Not to be outdone, The Highlands atop Interstate 70 in Ohio County has brought about a 360-degree skyline often bursting with color. Sometimes the clouds appear so low you can feel them. I

‘ve been there as I watched a wild storm roll in and test my fear of wind and rain. I’ve learned my lesson. I head for home when the clouds brew dark and before the wind kicks up something sinister.

Perhaps you have a special place to enjoy the sun, moon and stars. I hope so. After all that this world has endured over the past year, isn’t it nice to know there can be peace, if only for a moment, in the quiet places where we sit and watch.

Heather Ziegler can be reached via email at hziegler@theintelligencer.net.

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