

Baked Beans Recipe Wins Smiles at Family Gatherings

DEAR ABBY: I love your column. Some years ago, you printed a recipe for baked beans. I believe they were called St. James’ Baked Beans. I have lost my copy. I would get lots of compliments about how great they were at family gatherings and potlucks. Would you please reprint the recipe? — ...

Shine On

Dear Heloise: I enjoyed your hint about using cream of tartar on aluminum cookware to restore the shine. It works! I have also used half a lemon in the pot with boiling water. The acid in the citrus gets rid of the dull appearance. Works better than steel wool pads. — Ruth F., North Canton, ...

Late Wife’s Best Friend Stiff-Arms Man’s Interest

DEAR ABBY: My wife passed away, and I have fallen in love with her best friend. She feels she would be disrespecting my wife’s name if she went out with me. How can I let her know my wife would not object to us dating? I don’t know how to get her to understand my vows to my wife have ...

Don’t Assume

Today’s Sound Off is about assumptions: Dear Heloise: First, I’d like to thank you for supplying an actual physical address to contact you. Everyone else in the country seems to think, incorrectly, that we all have a computer, so they only give an online address. They discriminate ...

Insensitive Question Leaves Grieving Mother Speechless

DEAR ABBY: My daughter unexpectedly died very recently. A “friend” called today asking how I was doing (quarantine, food, pet food, etc). Then she asked me the most unnerving question: “Do you have ‘June’ with you?” I was floored. So many thoughts came rushing at me at once. June ...

Let Go of Your Negative Childhood Experiences and Get Vaccinated

DEAR DR. ROACH: I will never willingly get a vaccine for anything. I have been sick only once in my life, and it was from a vaccination that I received in the seventh grade. I am now 80. Besides my bad experience, I do not get vaccinations because I do not know what they are. Also, I do not ...