
Sons of the American Revolution Fort Henry Chapter Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Awards were presented during the Fort Henry Chapter SAR Tenth Anniversary Dinner. Among the awardees and special guests were, from left, Jason Weiss of Boswell Monuments; Ron Blatt of Savage Construction; chapter member Dr. Dan Joseph, co-founder of the Vintage Raceboat Regatta; Eric Schramm Sr., chapter chancellor; Chris Duplaga, owner of Top Notch Landscaping; Ted Cox, president of the West Virginia Society, SAR; and Jay Frey, Fort Henry Chapter president; chapter member Larry Jones; chapter chaplain Rev. Joseph Andrews; and Lisa McNeil, regent, Wheeling Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. (Photo by Eric Ayres)

WHEELING – Members of the National Society, Sons of the American Revolution – West Virginia Society, Fort Henry Chapter, recently celebrated their 10-year anniversary.

A Tenth Anniversary Dinner was held during the last week of October at The Veranda in the White Palace at Wheeling Park.

The Fort Henry Chapter was certified as a chartered chapter in 2014, and since then, the organization has spearheaded numerous projects in the community – most of which honor the area’s rich history and help preserve it for future generations to enjoy.

“I recall attending the chapter’s organizational dinner 10 years ago yesterday at Wilson Lodge in Oglebay Park,” Ted Cox, West Virginia Society president, said, sending greetings and congratulations from the nine other chapters comprising the West Virginia Society, Sons of the American Revolution. “It was at that event the chapter’s charter, which is displayed here this evening, was presented to Chapter President Jay Frey by then State President Steve Hart. That occasion was made memorable by the National Society’s President General, Lindsay Brock and his wife Billie’s attendance.”

Ten years ago, there were 21 members in the Fort Henry Chapter, Cox noted. Over time that number has grown to 70 members today, with four new member applications in process.

“This chapter is among the largest in the West Virginia Society, and is a very active one,” Cox said. “Case in point, at the 131st SAR Congress in July, the Fort Henry Chapter received one of only four national awards given by the National Society in recognition of the McColloch’s Leap restoration. It is a well-deserved recognition for the chapter’s signature project for our nation’s 250th anniversary in 2026.”

Gary Timmons, member of the George Washington Chapter (Pennsylvania) and the Fort Henry Chapter; and Martin Brady, member of the Daniel Boone Chapter, Charleston, dressed in period uniforms, were part of the color guard during the celebration. (Photo by Eric Ayres)

Other noteworthy chapter initiatives over the past 10 year included:

· A monthly speaker series in 2017 in partnership with the Wheeling Chapter DAR, commemorating the 240th anniversary of the first siege of Fort Henry

· A memorial service that same year honoring the patriots who lost their lives in Forman’s Massacre

· Significant participation in Wheeling’s 250th anniversary, with a memorial service honoring the Zane family, and a SAR color guard in the Wheeling 250 parade

· Annual Flag Commendations, recognizing individuals and businesses for proper display of the American flag

· Participation in numerous patriot grave marking across the Ohio Valley

· Placement of signage identifying patriots interred at West Liberty and Stone Church Cemeteries

· Awards recognizing the contributions of Wheeling residents

· And next year installation of two West Virginia historic highway markers for McColloch’s Leap on Wheeling Hill, and for Zane’s Blockhouse at Main and 11th streets.

“All of these efforts lift up Wheeling’s Revolutionary War heritage and encourages us all to remember the values that guided our nation’s origins and that make the United States of America the great nation it is,” Cox said, congratulating the members and wishing the chapter continued success.

The dinner featured a presentation by Michael Burke, assistant director of the Fort Pitt Museum in Pittsburgh, who delivered a program titled “Pittsburgh, Virginia: The Colonial Ruckus that Shaped the Ohio Country Frontier.” The presentation gave a comprehensive overview of the history of the area’s territorial boundaries – from lands of the native tribes to shifting colonial boundaries and eventually to the state lines as they stand today.

Jay Frey, Fort Henry Chapter president, welcomes members and guests to the chapter’s Tenth Anniversary Dinner at the White Palace. (Photo by Eric Ayres)

Several recognitions and awards were presented during the dinner, as well. Jason Weiss of Boswell Monuments, Ron Blatt of Savage Construction and Chris Duplaga of Top Notch Landscaping were all presented certificates of appreciation for going above and beyond in their efforts on the chapter’s McColloch’s Leap monument restoration.

Dr. Dan Joseph, chapter member, who along with his wife, Debbie, are co-founders of the Vintage Raceboat Regatta, was presented the Silver Citizenship Award. The Vintage Raceboat Regatta has been presented for 17 years and has raised more than $100,000 for Easter Seals.

Eric Schramm Sr., chapter chancellor, was awarded the Roger Sherman Medal and recognized for service to the chapter, the state society and the community.

Larry Jones, chapter member, was awarded the Bronze Citizenship Medal. Jones was honored for his service to youth as Superintendent of Ohio County Schools, for his tenure as a longtime board member and donor to the YMCA and as its Light of the Valley honoree, and for his philanthropy leadership with the Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley.

Joseph Andrews, chapter chaplain, was awarded the Military Service Medal, Law Enforcement Commendation, being recognized for 23 years of service in the U.S. Army and for 13 years as a corrections officer.

Lisa McNeil, regent, Wheeling Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was awarded the Martha Washington Medal, honored for partnership with the Fort Henry Chapter’s projects.

Michael Burke, assistant director of the Fort Pitt Museum, presented the program “Pittsburgh, Virginia: The Colonial Ruckus that Shaped the Ohio Country Frontier.” (Photo by Eric Ayres)

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