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HUD Announces Grant for JMHA in Steubenville

Jefferson Metropolitan Housing Authority has been awarded $250,000 in federal grant funds to enhance security and monitoring at the John F. Kennedy Apartments and Earl F. Rodgers Plaza in Steubenville.

JMHA was one of 23 PHA’s in 15 states to be awarded funding, and one of only 11 to receive the maximum $250,000 grant amount, U.S. Housing and Urban Development Cleveland Field Office Director Pamela Ashby said.

“We’ve been working with U.S. Rep. (Bill) Johnson’s office since 2012, 2013,” Ashby said after the announcement. “It’s wonderful that this grant came to be.”

The grants were awarded through HUD’s FY 2019 Capital Fund Emergency Safety & Security Grant program, she said.

“It’s based on merit and their needs,” Ashby said.

JMHA Security Chief Joe Buckmeltelter said the grant money can be used for security systems/surveillance cameras, fencing, lighting systems, emergency alarm systems, window bars, deadbolt locks and door, adding the money will be used to replace “aging and failing” surveillance equipment already in place “and install cameras where we currently have none.”

Johnson, R-Marietta, said he’s been “personally engaged with JMHA to help address crime and security at their properties in Steubenville and throughout Jefferson County.”

Buckmelter said the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, the Jefferson County Drug Task Force, and police departments in Steubenville, Toronto, Tiltonsville and Yorkville were instrumental in gathering needs documentation.

“It’s a great day for these facilities, it’s a great day for the people who live here,” Prosecutor Jane Hanlin said.


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