
New Wheeling YMCA Playground Beginning To Take Shape in Elm Grove

Photo by Scott McCloskey Crews with the Recreation Equipment Company of Danville, Indiana construct the new J.B. Chambers Memorial Wheeling YMCA Playground in Elm Grove this week.

The new J.B. Chambers Memorial Wheeling YMCA Playground is slowly beginning to take shape in a field next to Kruger Street in Elm Grove, a community state-of-the-art inclusive playground for all children.

Adam Shinsky, executive director of the YMCA, said the sensory-rich inclusive playground is “a project by the Wheeling YMCA that will not only benefit Miracle League athletes but every child in the community.”

He said when YMCA officials announced they would be making capital improvements to the Elm Grove facility as part of their multi-million dollar expansion plans, they decided the inclusive playground would be part of those improvements.

In addition to a variety of slides, swings, climbing features, the inclusive design playground will include a lot of ramps and specific play equipment that will accommodate individuals with special needs, according to Andrew “Drew” Peterson, owner of Recreation Equipment Company of Danville, Indiana. He said his company began constructing the specialized playground several weeks ago on a section of the fenced in YMCA field near Kruger Street.

The playground will feature a variety of educational pieces, including some musical items, according to Peterson. He said there will be xylophones, a chime piece, and a variety of drums that will actually make sounds.

Along with shade structures positioned high above different areas of the playground, there will also be a bonded rubberized safety surface installed below the equipment. Six benches and two picnic tables will also be incorporated as part of the overall design.

Peterson said the playground will have “lots of cool things” for families to enjoy.

While the exact date has not been set for the official opening of the playground, Shinsky said YMCA officials are hopeful to have an official ribbon cutting ceremony by mid-July if not sooner.

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