Comment Period Underway on Wheeling’s Comprehensive Plan
photo by: Eric Ayres
The public will have an opportunity to provide input on Wheeling’s proposed 10-year comprehensive plan update during a 30-day public comment period.
The 142-page draft of Wheeling Forward 2034 was made available to the public online Friday, and the public comment period continues for 30 days from its posting.
Every 10 years, municipalities in West Virginia are required to update their comprehensive plans, which describe a community’s vision for the future and provide a roadmap to make that vision a reality. The plan will be used as a guide to inform future land use regulations and help cultivate growth and development for the next decade.
For nearly a year, city officials have been working with the Pittsburgh-based consulting firm Evolve to develop its plan update. Members of the Wheeling Planning Commission, the city’s Building and Planning Department and members of a steering committee have been assisting in the development of the plan — as have members of the general public. A series of community workshops over the past year helped gather input from residents as the plan has taken shape.
Over the past month, members of the Planning Commission have reviewed the draft of the plan and are expected to discuss proposed changes and tweaks during tonight’s meeting. The Wheeling Planning Commission typically meets on the second Monday of the month. However, this month’s meeting was moved to 5 p.m. today in council chambers because of Veterans Day on Monday.
“It’s got to be on public display for 30 days before the Planning Commission can vote on it,” Wheeling Building and Planning Director B.J. Delbert said. “The Planning Commission will vote to send it to council at their December meeting — which is the second Monday of December. And then it will go for a first reading before council on the third Tuesday. So they (the general public) have until the second Monday in December to comment.”
A link can be found on the city’s website at by clicking “Public Comment Draft” under “Phase Four — Launch Our Plan.” The online document allows visitors to make notes on pages of the draft that will be reviewed before final steps are taken to adopt the update.
“The city has been working on an update on the Comprehensive Plan for the past eight to nine months,” Wheeling City Manager Robert Herron said. “It is anticipated that city council will consider enacting the plan via ordinance for a first reading on Dec. 17 and a second reading on Jan. 7.”
Consultants from Evolve are expected to be in attendance during tonight’s Planning Commission meeting while members discuss their insights on the draft, which they received last month.
Ashley Cox of Evolve noted there will be one final community workshop on the updated 10-year Comprehensive Plan early next year after the city adopts it.