
Union Local Student, Boy Scout Raise $38,000 To Replace Veterans Monument in Lafferty

photo by: Gage Vota

Union Local High School student and Boy Scouts of America Troop 59 member Jonathan Dubiel has spent the past two years raising roughly $38,000 to erect a new Lafferty Veterans Memorial.

Union Local student and Boy Scouts of America Troop 59 member Jonathan Dubiel will unveil the new Lafferty Veterans Memorial statue at noon Monday in celebration of Veterans Day.

Dubiel is working to become an Eagle Scout, and his Eagle Scout project was to replace a memorial that was destroyed roughly 60 years ago. He said he first got the idea two years ago and has been raising funds ever since. The new memorial will consist of three granite slabs with the names of veterans from Lafferty who served in the military from World War I until now.

For a name to be listed on the memorial, the individual must have lived in Lafferty for at least five years and must have been honorably discharged. Dubiel added that he is leaving additional spaces available on the far right plaque for future veterans to be added to the memorial once they have been honorably discharged.

Through several fundraising events such as soliciting donations, hosting chicken dinners, and selling T-shirts and baked goods, Dubiel was able to raise just shy of $38,000.

“I’m really proud of what I’ve done, and I’m happy that it is finally finished,” Dubiel said. “I’m happy that I was able to do something for Lafferty. With the majority of my family being from Lafferty, it was nice to do something for the town, especially with veterans involved.”

His mother Shasta Dubiel said she is incredibly proud of her son.

“I am so proud of Jonathan. He has gone above and beyond to create one of the largest Eagle Scout projects to date,” she said.

She added that she is proud of Lafferty as well as the surrounding small communities that have been supportive of Jonathon throughout the entire process.

Dubiel commissioned the memorial through Justin Gallagher from Randall L. Gallagher Memorials.

“Justin Gallagher and his mother Lisa have been amazing through this whole process. They have gone above and beyond,” Shasta said. “They donated the base in which all three of the stones sit on, so that was a huge donation.”

Jonathan plans to speak at the unveiling on Veterans Day. The event takes place at noon Monday at 43045 Harrah St. in Lafferty.

Troop 59 Scouts will be doing a flag ceremony as well as playing “Taps.” Following the event, there will be light refreshments provided by the Dubiel family.

As a result of the project, Jonathon hopes to become an Eagle Scout, but he will have to present all of the information about the project to a board of three Scoutmasters from different Boys Scouts of America troops throughout the county. Once he presents all of the information about the two-year project, the board will discuss then vote on whether he will become an Eagle Scout.

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