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City’s Mayoral Race Is Important to the Future

As evidenced by the turnout Thursday at West Virginia Northern Community College’s B&O Building, residents in Wheeling are very excited about the ongoing mayoral race. Let us hope that enthusiasm not only turns into more people heading to the polls in the May 14 municipal election — just 7,386 registered city voters actually voted for mayor in the 2020 election, less than 50% of the city’s total registered voters — but that the enthusiasm building now for the candidates carries over into the next term of city council. That would be a win for the city and its future.

Six candidates — Beth Hinebaugh, Carl Carpenter, JT Thomas, Chad Thalman, Rosemary Ketchum and Dennis Magruder — are seeking to become the next mayor. A packed house of nearly 300 people — and another 500-plus watching live online — saw a spirited event hosted by The Intelligencer and Wheeling News-Register and WTRF-TV where the candidates’ views were offered side-by-side on a number of topics. The event helped to separate some of the candidates from the others when it comes to city policy and Wheeling’s future direction. It provided voters with the information they need to make an informed decision come May 14.

As noted earlier, this race is of high interest to residents of Wheeling. No matter who wins on May 14, the key will be to keep the momentum going. The next mayor and city council have much work to do, and keeping together the coalitions being built now among the candidates would be a great start in creating a better city.


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