
Keeping Ohioans Working

Jobless claims at the end of 2024 included some encouraging numbers for Ohio. In fact, according to WalletHub’s look at “States Where Unemployment Claims Are Increasing the Most,” the Buckeye State was a comforting 51st overall in the country.

While we know there can sometimes be unsettling reasons for decreases in unemployment claims — able workers simply giving up and dropping out of the labor force, for example — Ohio’s performance is still impressive.

It indicates employers and economic development officials may be more responsive to demands of both the labor force and consumers.

“I believe that there will be a shift in unemployment,” said Dylan Polkinghorne, assistant teaching professor at the University of Wisconsin — Green Bay. “After the pandemic, there has been a shift in the demands consumers are searching for. In turn, this is providing more positions for organizations.”

It took us a while to get here, but it seems as though Ohio is getting that mix right. The challenge now is to keep it going.

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