
Promoting Education in the Mountain State

As our economy diversifies and the education and career paths of the past are no longer the right fit for as many of our students, West Virginia’s young people are taking advantage of a program that allows them to take college courses — for free — while they are still in high school.

In fact, since the start of the LevelUp WV program, the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission says dual enrollment programs have grown by more than 11%.

That is encouraging news.

“Studies have shown that students who do dual enrollment are more likely to go to college than students who do not, and one thing that is sort of a chink in the armor in dual enrollment is that quite often, you get students who are going to college anyway,” HEPC Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Corley Dennison told WV MetroNews.

It is an indicator not only that Mountain State students and their families do understand the importance of a good education in pursuing their desired career paths, but that it takes only a few small changes to nudge them into being able to chase those goals.

The commission’s data indicates more than 6,700 students are in the program for the 2024-25 academic year.

Lawmakers must respond and continue to encourage the program’s growth.

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