Removing parking meters from downtown Wheeling is the right and easy move to do. But we recall a time not too long ago when the Wheeling Area Chamber of Commerce, led then by Terry Sterling, sought meter removals in the Central Business District and received a harsh “no.”
The issue at ...
Donald Trump took the oath of office last week for a second term promising to disrupt the status quo. In 2017 Trump had won narrowly and he inherited a GOP majority in Congress that had a long-developed agenda on taxes, healthcare, judges and much else. The main policy victories of his first ...
Arriving in the mail for many of us starting this weekend just past was a piece of information that would be profitable not to misplace: the MV-1 form from the West Virginia State Tax Division, which indicates how much of a personal property tax credit you’re eligible for on your 2024 ...
Earlier this month, the Ohio Supreme Court heard arguments in a years-long case in which state Attorney General Dave Yost has been trying to avoid complying with public records requests. The Center for Media and Democracy is seeking records from a time period in which the Republican Attorneys ...
Mountain State residents have had just about enough of the rough road conditions. Cold, snow, overnight freezes and other hazardous conditions are bad enough; but we are also dealing with a perpetual cycle of potholes and road work, right?
Imagine being one of the individuals whose job is go ...
Technology can be a wonderful thing. It also can be horrifying, particularly when the law does not keep up with innovations. Ohio lawmakers have addressed one of those shortfalls by passing Senate Bill 100, which makes it a crime to put or install a tracking device on someone else’s property ...