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Freedom Isn’t Free

Editor, News-Register:

As a nearly 50-year Democrat, I am ashamed of what the Democrat Party has become. It used to be the party for the middle class and minorities, but has evolved into a left-wing arrogant elitist mindset.

What has the Democrat Party done since President Trump was elected, other than attack, obstruct, degrade and utilize class warfare and racism? Like him or not, this president is the “right man at the right time.” Democrats/liberals may call him a cave man, but in reality, the only thing liberals understand is force. Their hypocrisy is nauseating. They don’t seem to realize or admit that Trump is a reality president.

In truth, President Trump isn’t the “rube” they make him out to be. He can and has sat down with the queen and Harlem and realistically relate to the situation. He makes mistakes but puts the country first. Thus, their rabid hatred of President Trump for being an outsider and threatening their good ole boy system in Washington.

They seem to forget that they represent us, but they reflect the impression that we aren’t intelligent enough to know what is best for us. The Democrat Party, like New York, California and many other blue states, can realistically be compared to the Twilight Zone. Most are out of touch with reality.

They are so rabid with the need to get back in the driver’s seat of power that they in many cases are deranged. When, after having majority control of Congress for over 40 years and having it turn around in the 90s, they are of the mindset that majority control belongs to them as a result of tenure.

To the Republicans’ credit, when they were in the minority, they would sit down with the Democrats and put the country first, but that is very seldom the case anymore. When Democrats are in the minority, they are of the mindset “my way or the highway.” With very few exceptions, Democrats won’t work with Republicans for fear that anything positive would reflect on Trump. In spite of the rabid backlash that started even before his inauguration, President Trump has undeniably done many positive things on his own that benefit this country, and for that he is accused of trying to be a king. That didn’t seem to be a problem while President Obama was in office. The difference between the two presidents is that Trump is trying to make things better and Obama continually apologized for this country with the mindset that we should be lowered to the level of the rest of the world.

Our Constitution is a conservative, not liberal, document and, as a result, anything of any consequence ends up in the court system. The Supreme Court vacancy being the No. 1 reason that Trump was elected. If there should be another vacancy on the Supreme Court during the Trump presidency, and there very likely will be, another conservative appointment that corresponds with our Constitution and the mindset of our founding fathers will cause a frenzy the likes of which few, if any, of us have ever seen. It will set a conservative foundation that will last a very long time. The real bitterness felt by liberals is due to the fact that after Obama, liberals had us standing on a cliff with a rope around our necks and the election of Hillary Clinton would have been the clincher, and liberals know this. It seems that they would sacrifice their first-born to turn back the clock.

They don’t take into consideration that God is still in charge. Liberals’ god is power and control. That was the basic reason we fought the Revolutionary War, in case anyone has forgotten history. The No. 1 problem we have in this country is our education system at the college level that is promoting the liberal mindset and pounding it into our children and grandchildren. As a result, they return to our communities and become teachers, business people and maybe politicians.

The No. 2 problem in this country is the fact that the mainstream media is the mouthpiece for the Democrat Party and reinforcement for their liberal agenda. Is it any wonder that the mainstream news media has very little professional credibility? They have also, over a period of time, been programmed by our educational system. This has happened over generations and, as a result, we are becoming a socialist-minded society. The fact is that socialism has never worked anywhere it has been tried.

Socialism is a system and mindset that feeds off responsible people. As Margaret Thatcher once said, “socialism is OK until you run out of somebody else’s money.” It is a system for the irresponsible and yes, lazy.

In many ways, we utilized socialist philosophy under President Obama. The temporary takeover of GM, instead of allowing the system to work. To save jobs was fine, but how many dealerships were closed because of their political affiliation? Also under President Obama, the school loan system was taken over by the government. How often do you hear of college graduates owing $50,000 to $75,000 upon graduation? Also, of many of the Democrat candidates running for president offering to forgive college debt. Surely not for votes!

We are being desensitized. Many of the Democrats in Congress are promoting values that we fought a revolution to be free of. I often think that if it were 1776, how many of the people in Congress, our education system, much of the mainstream news media, as well as a large portion of those affiliated with government, would be called Tories. For those who don’t know or forgot history, after winning the Revolutionary War, many of the Tories were hunted down and hanged, or left the country.

Another point: How many have noticed that history is being omitted from our history books? In some polls, it has been said that over 40% of millennials believe in socialism. I have also heard and read that when polled, as people become older, they become much more conservative through reality. Taking advantage of human nature, liberals feed on not necessarily the ignorant, but the gullible. It seems that minorities are finally waking up to the fact that the Democrat Party is the problem, not the solution, to climbing out of poverty instead of being held hostage by liberalism and the Democrat Party. I pray the younger generation will be enlightened and realize that the path to a better future is through hard work and responsibility. Socialism is a scavenger and socialism is just a less violent version of communism. Freedom isn’t free and anything worthwhile is worth working for and, if necessary, fighting for.

Roy Schnegg



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