
‘Just Say No’ Must Be W.Va.’s Answer to Recreational Pot

Editor, News-Register:

Before any consideration is given to the legalization of “recreational” marijuana we need to fix the medical marijuana legislation. I encourage you to consider the current condition of our community, State and Country.

We are just beginning to address the damage Opioids have caused. And to take any questions out of play, Opioids refer to all opiates which include semi synthetic and synthetic opioids, etc. typically made in laboratories. Examples of synthetic and semi synthetic opioids include: codeine, methadone, hydrocodine, Oxycontin, Vicodin and yes; fentanyl.

The catastrophic condition of our nation in which “greed” played the biggest part, effected so many.

They are “not” just numbers, they are/were, Children, Parents, Grand-Parents, Husbands, Wives, Children, Grandchildren, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and many other loved ones that you can describe.

Medical Professionals as well as Big Pharma that were “allegedly” held accountable for that epidemic are still in business and/or practicing after they lined their pockets and paid their fines.

My position on medical marijuana? With conditions, I support it, but not the way it is now.

Individuals with a documented and legitimate serious medical condition (i.e. cancer, extreme pain, etc.) need relief. Marijuana as a medication can provide that relief, and should be available.

This medication should be prescribed by a physician worthy of the public trust. The prescription should be filled by a licensed pharmacist at a Pharmacy like ALL pharmaceuticals, not some “dispensary” where you buy it like a fast food restaurant.

Just about anybody with insurance and/or the financial means can obtain a medical marijuana card in West Virginia. Matter of fact local dispensaries in West Virginia advertise “It’s fast and easy to become a patient”, and you can do it all online.

An entire industry of medical marijuana through the WV department of health exists. Visit https://omc.wv.gov and see for yourself. Bottom line, the West Virginia Legislature passed the current medical marijuana law & ignored the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2) which establishes that; The Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the “supreme Law of the Land”, and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws. What the WV Legislature should have done is work with the US Senate and US House of Representatives to make a change to the The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (CSA).

Don’t fall for the ruse that revenue generated gives relief to government budgets. Remember, the legalization of so many other “harmless” vices made similar promises.

I encourage family, friends, acquaintances, friends of friends and others to consider the danger to our families, especially our children if recreational marijuana is legalized. I remain dedicated to keep drugs out of the hands of children, tell your state and local legislators you don’t support legalizing POT.

Kevin M. Gessler, SR

Retired Wheeling Chief of Police; Former Coordinator, Ohio Valley

Drug Task Force; Former Board Member, DARE America International;

Board Member Emeritus, Youth Services System

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