
Please Give Both Sides of the Story

Editor, News-Register:

I just read the front page article in the Wednesday, Jan. 29th edition of The Intelligencer titled “Potential federal aid freeze causes concern, confusion.”

I read everyone’s concerns about the freeze on the federal grants and loans that the government provides to every state, county and city. But in this whole article I did not read as to why the grants and loans were put on freeze?

Why doesn’t this newspaper tell both sides of this story?

There are many concerns about the freezes for sure but one thing has been made clear by the Trump administration is that the people at the bottom of all these programs will not be affected.

Everyone that these programs are meant to help will still receive the benefits and help that they have been promised. Direct benefits to Americans will not be affected. The reason for the freeze is to audit how the money gets from the government, through the long arms of the bureaucracy and to the recipients to which it was intended. I think most of us remember back in the day when someone in the government let it slip to the American people that the government was spending $500 or more to pay for toilets that you could have gotten at Lowe’s for $75. The question arises, who was making money and who was  getting rich as the money traveled through the bureaucracy and trickled down to the actual purchase of that $75 dollar toilet?

The freeze was so the process of getting the grants and loans can be scrutinized and audited for waste, fraud and abuse. We all know the government bureaucracy is bloated with corruption and waste. The freeze is a promise being kept by President Trump to examine all spending and squeeze out all the excessive waste that taxpayers have been funding for decades.

Trump got elected because he promised to try to weed out waste, fraud and abuse and that’s what he is doing, keeping a promise! If none is found then all will be unfrozen and life will go on. It’s an attempt to streamline government spending and lower the looming national debt. This is what Americans voted for and I’m disappointed in this newspaper’s article that just went through one side of a two-sided story. Readers deserve to know all sides to a story and not just the worries and concerns of just one side.

Tom Standiford

New Martinsville

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