
Discover Recovery Event in Wheeling Highlights Support Networks

photo by: Photo by Derek Redd

From left, Darrah Wade of Moundsville, Stacey Degarmo of Wheeling and Samantha Frost of Wheeling grab some information from the UniCare table at Wednesday's Discover Recovery event at WesBanco Arena.

WHEELING – More than 40 groups offering support for those struggling with substance abuse came together at WesBanco Arena to spread awareness of the social support networks available.

The event, described as a “resource fair,” hosted groups from across the Ohio Valley Wednesday afternoon to speak with anyone seeking help, whether they be personally battling their own substance abuse or the friends and loved ones of those who are. Entities ranged from groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous to suicide and domestic violence prevention groups to jobs and employment services.

Valery Staskey, a prevention specialist with the West Virginia Certification Board for Addiction & Prevention Professionals, said the information made available can be a great boon to anyone, including those interested in helping someone struggling who may seek help down the line.

“The original thought was for people who love and care for people not in recovery, when they’re ready to enter recovery, they know where to go,” she said. “… This is a one-stop shop for all things recovery.”

Staskey stressed that the help line – 1-844-HELP4WV – is a prime point of contact for anyone looking for a start.

photo by: Photo by Derek Redd

Kellie Bonham of the Belmont VA Outpatient Clinic, right, chats with Mike Caruso during Wednesday's Discover Recovery event at WesBanco Arena.

“If they call this number, it sets them all up for what they need to know,” she said. “Youth Services are happy to help, too. The state has this hotline, and they really will bend over backwards to get you what you need – outpatient treatment, detox, residential treatment.”

Kelly Coffin, a transition agent with Jobs & Hope West Virginia, said there was a vast world of support and information available to anyone interested in rehabilitation, which some might assume they don’t qualify for. Coffin’s advice was simple – just ask.

“The most important thing for people to know is that there are resources that exist in so many different areas that a lot of people don’t know exist,” she said. “A lot of people have misconceptions like ‘I won’t be eligible for this,’ or ‘I don’t know how to access this.’ That’s the great thing. We have nearly 40 vendors here, working toward the same common goals: to educate the public.

“These resources certainly do exist, and they’re not that hard to access. It’s just a matter of being educated on what’s out there.”

Brandy Nolan of Northwood, left, stops by the Catholic Charities West Virginia table to talk with Molly Collins, center, and Joe Sparksman during the Discover Recovery event Wednesday at WesBanco Arena.

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