
Marshall Memo: City Updates; Nonprofits; Legal Advice; and Events at the Strand

The Moundsville City Council meeting was held this past Tuesday with City Manager Rick Healy updating those in attendance about multiple issues related to the City. This past week, a bid opening was held for the Shelter Project at Riverfront Park. Part of the funding for the project would be through the Land and Water Conservation Grant. Unfortunately, only one eligible bid was received, and that bid was much higher than the estimated project amount. City Manager Healy, Director White, and the architect will be looking at options related to value engineering and revisiting the scope of the project.

City Manager Healy continues to look into options and assistance for a temporary pedestrian walkway for the Parrs Run Bridge Project. This would be beneficial for those needing to walk to the business district or school while the bridge is under much needed repairs. Unfortunately, no responses have been received at this time, so this issue has been brought to the attention of Delegate Jeff Stephens for any assistance he may be able to offer.

A progress meeting was held with the general contractor with updates on the new Municipal Building. The garage door installation in almost complete at this time. A concrete contractor has begun work on mitigation issues this week, and the temporary furnaces are in operation. Cable for the security camera has been installed and next week an exterior wall will be started by the masonry contactor.

Nonprofit organizations providing recreation and services to Marshall County residents are invited to apply to receive funds from the Community Development Fund (CDF). All submissions must be postmarked by Feb. 25 for consideration. A letter of request, proof of IRS issued 501(c) status and compliance with the West Virginia Secretary of State Office for annual reporting or charitable registration which matches the exact name of the individual, group, or organization must be included with the submission.

In addition, if funds were received from the grant last year, receipts and an itemized list showing how the money was spent needs to be included with the request for 2025 funds.

Submissions should be sent to Community Development Fund c/o Missy Tschappat, Administrative Assistant Marshall County Commission, PO Drawer B, Moundsville, WV 26041.

The funding level for this year is $75,000.

Once requests are received by a committee appointed by the commission, the committee submits recommendations to the commission for approval. Questions about CDF should be directed to the Marshall County Commission Office at (304)-845-0482.

Moundsville Health Care Center will be holding a blood drive from 11 a.m to 4 p.m. Jan. 31 at their location on Floral Street in Moundsville. In support of National Blood Donation Month, a goal of 18 units has been set. Contact Samantha at 304) 238-6666 for more information or to reserve a time slot to make a donation.

The next Lawyer in the School program, sponsored by Legal Aid of West Virginia, will be held on Monday, Feb. 10 at the Marshall County Board of Education Office. Eligible parents or caregivers of public school students have an opportunity to receive free legal information or advice from a lawyer. Issues that can addressed include guardianship, custody, visitation, adoption, child support, eviction, poor housing conditions, government benefits, expungement, drivers’ license reinstatement, and powers of attorney. The walk-in clinics are staffed by Legal Aid of West Virginia Attorneys and no appoint is necessary. Clinic hours are 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Ron Retzer Trio will perform “A Strand of Love Concert” at 7 p.m. Saturday Feb 15. Tickets cost $15 and are available for purchase at strandtheatrewv.com/events, at Frame and Fortunes and will be available at the door.

Nunsense the Musical tickets are also available on the Strand’s website. Two presentations will take place, one at 7 p.m. Feb 21 and the other at 2 p.m. Feb. 22. Nunsense is a musical farce about a convent of nuns staging a fundraiser to bury the last four nuns of their order who died of botulism. Shelby Garrett is the director, Michel Murphy is the music director, Renee Storm serves as choreographer, and Meta Lasch is the technical director.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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