

City of Weirton Is Failing Its Residents


In 2025, who among us would consider facing the challenges those living in Weirton will have for at least the next few weeks: little to no water coming from the tap. City officials there have said numerous water line breaks have so impacted the water system that pressure to homes and ...

Alternatives to PAIN Act Is Worthwhile Legislation in W.Va.

Local Columns

As chairwoman of the West Virginia Senate’s Health and Human Resources Committee, I am keenly aware of our state’s struggle with opioid use disorder and the overdose crisis. Leaders throughout West Virginia have worked long and hard to come up with strategies and implement policies and ...

Common Sense Has Been Sent Packing

Letters to the Editor

Editor, News-Register: Water pipes broke in the major cities of the Upper Ohio River Valley during the extended cold spell, which saw record breaking lows. Moreover, frozen iguanas are falling out of trees in Florida, and New Orleans had a blizzard. Greta, Al and the Davos attendees ...

Certificate of Need Vital Safeguard for West Virginia Communities

Local Columns

As debates rage about health care regulation, West Virginia’s Certificate of Need law has come under increased scrutiny, but the reality is this program plays an important role in helping ensure access to care. Critics argue that this program stifles competition and drives up costs. However, ...

Honoring Those Who Make Wheeling Work


Each year, Wheeling’s mayor takes time during the annual State of the City address to honor a handful of residents that have made a positive impact on the city. Current Mayor Dennis Magruder, in his first formal city address this week, honored a group that includes some of Wheeling’s most ...

Give Blood , the Gift of Life


If the weather has been a hindrance to your daily (or weekly) routine, think about what it has meant to organizations dependent upon the help of others to fulfill their missions. For the American Red Cross, January can be a difficult month. Weather is a factor, yes, but so is the active cold ...