
Boomers and Beyond

OPALs to Visit Amish Country

The Older People With Active Lifestyles group is heading out of town for a day trip to Amish Country in Ohio on May 25. Participants will see a musical, “The Home Game,” at the Ohio Star Theater in Sugar Creek. The OPALs group will be one of the first to visit this new venue. The show is ...

Sisters Offer Caring Presence at Good Shepherd Since 1900

For more than a century, the Sisters of the Good Shepherd have provided tender care to the varying residents of Good Shepherd in Wheeling. Good Shepherd Nursing Home is now a five-star-rated nursing home, but when Good Shepherd opened in 1900 it was a home for girls staffed by the Sisters of ...

Visiting Angels Again Recognized for Providing Outstanding Home Care

Visiting Angels of Wheelinghas received the Best of Home Care Provider of Choice Award from Home Care Pulse for the sixth consecutive year. The Provider of Choice Award is granted to the top-ranking home care providers in America based on client satisfaction scores gathered by Home Care Pulse, ...

Arthritis Prevention Tips for Seniors

As you grow older, the likelihood of developing arthritis increases. More than 50 million adults in the United States have arthritis, with many older adults being affected by this complex disease. In fact, nearly half of adults age 65 years or older have arthritis. There are many different ...

Elmhurst Holds Elegant Dinner, Casino Night

Residents of Elmhurst, The House of Friendship, an assisted living residence in Wheeling, kicked up their heels at a Roaring Twenties Casino and Elegant Evening to celebrate the return of spring. Guests were welcomed into two casino venues by “flapper” girls in costume. Residents were ...

How to Pick a Medical Alert System

Dear Savvy Senior, I would like to get my 82-year-old mother, who lives alone, a home medical alert system with a panic button that she can push in case she falls or needs help. Can you recommend some good options to help me choose? Overwhelmed Daughter Dear Overwhelmed, A good medical ...