There’s nothing like a garden party with family and friends, great food and live music. On a beautiful warm night, Welty Home residents and their families enjoyed a summer garden party hosted by the Welty Home staff.
More than 60 guests joined Welty’s 52 residents and dozens of staff for ...
New data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found 10 percent of those age 45 and older in West Virginia report they are experiencing confusion or memory loss that is happening more often or is getting worse (i.e., subjective cognitive decline) and 54.8 percent said ...
When summer’s afternoon thermometer reaches the 80s and 90s, Elmhurst residents find creative activities to test their talents in the comfort of air conditioning.
Recently, the residents of the Wheeling senior living complex tested their skills at flowerpot decorating, painting beach ...
July 20-Aug. 20 — Nature Quest, Oglebay Institute’s Schrader Environmental Education Center, Oglebay Park, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
July 20-Aug. 20 — Paint Your Own Pottery, Oglebay Institute’s Schrader Environmental Education Center, Oglebay Park, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
July 20 and July 27 — ...
Dear Savvy Senior,
My husband and I are interested in getting a couple of bicycles for leisurely exercise and fun, and would like to get your recommendation. We’re both approaching 60 and are a little overweight, and it’s been a while since we rode.
Easy Riders
Dear Easy,
If ...
For more and more Americans, reaching retirement age no longer means the end of an active working life. Many people are choosing to work past the age of 65, according to the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.
If you’re willing and able, maintaining ...