The Older People With Active Lifestyles group is heading out of town for another day trip with a Stepping Stones of Victorian Grandeur Tea Tour at the Salem (Ohio) Historical Society on Aug. 18.
The OPALs members will step back in time to the 1800s in Victorian style with their first ...
Staff Writer
Proper preparation — with appropriate gear and sensible training — is necessary for baby boomers who want to begin running.
While baby boomers may have a bad reputation for wanting immediate gratification and doing things under their own terms, fitness ...
It’s well known that older adults use more medications — prescriptions, over-the-counter and supplements — than any other age group in the country.
In fact, those 65 and older account for one-third of all prescription medication use in the country. Even though these medications can help ...
July 11-Aug. 12 — Photography exhibition, “Just People” by Jay Stock, at Oglebay Institute’s Stifel Fine Arts Center, 1330 National Road, Wheeling, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, free.
July 11-31 — Watercolor exhibition by Janet Sheehan, at Artworks ...
The question that we as elder law attorneys hear most often is “Is it too late to protect our assets?” We are happy to answer that question with “It is never too late!”
We understand that each situation is unique, but in many cases no matter what level of pre-planning has or has not ...
Question: I am receiving Social Security retirement benefits and I recently went back to work. Do I have to pay Social Security (FICA) taxes on my income?
Answer: Yes. By law, your employer must withhold FICA taxes from your paycheck. Although you are retired, you do receive credit for those ...