
Reimagining the Region, Health Care

Spirit of Teamwork Takes Wheeling Hospital to Next Level

By DEREK REDD In medicine, just as it is in so many other aspects of life, there’s nothing like teamwork. The staff at Wheeling Hospital feels that way. Executives there believe that teamwork, between doctors and between hospitals, will help take the hospital to the next level and keep ...

Outdoor Wellness Shifting to the Individual

By ALAN OLSON Staff Writer BELMONT — It goes without saying that 2020 wasn’t a great year for social activities, but even many groups focused on outdoor activities, such as cycling and hiking, went on hiatus for the year. Instead, people started to form their own pods of individuals ...

Highlands Sports Complex Staff Dodging COVID Curveballs

By CODY TOMER Staff Writer The Highlands Sports Complex opened in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had its benefits and downfalls. On one hand, the staff has a full understanding of what it takes to keep people safe during activities and how to handle sanitation ...

Trinity Health System Satellite Offices Provide Needed Services

By ERIC AYRES Staff Writer ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Accessibility to quality health care has never been a higher priority or of more importance to people in the Ohio Valley than today, and Trinity Health System has worked to provide continuity of care through challenging times. Based in ...

Area Fitness Centers and Gymnasiums Continue to Adapt to Pandemic

By SCOTT McCLOSKEY Staff Writer WHEELING — As area fitness centers and gymnasiums continue to work within a variety of safety guidelines and precautions in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Wheeling Hospital’s Howard Long Wellness Center and the J.B. Chambers Memorial YMCA are two ...